In Crimson Tide, become Antonio, an Italian fisherman, on an endless quest for the dream catch. Mysteriously cast into darkness on a shoreline of shipwrecked dreams, your sole escape is a distant lighthouse. With unwavering determination, conquer the darkness, and rediscover your true purpose.

Studio Highlights

Available Now on Steam
Altered Algorithm is a first-person, action-adventure, VR experience blending the craft of film and games in a new way. In this story-driven game set in an altered futuristic 1983, your playground will be detective work, head-to-head combat, and the ability to DYNAMICALLY interact with full motion video characters.
--- Out now in Early Access ---

Available Now on Steam
Spring 2015
Explore, solve, and survive in Adams Ascending - One of our exciting games out on PC in Early Access. Don’t miss out on a colossal, epic experience. Deep story and gameplay await to usher you into a new world of purpose and truth.
--- Out now on PC in Early Access ---
Taking a pivot turn from our earlier games, we developed and released Color Blind. It’s one of our most improved experiences for mobile, and by far the smoothest experience among our first games. It focuses on telling a fascinating story to our gamers through incredible imagery, action, interaction and animation.
---- iOS Archived ----

Summer 2014
While this is one of our earliest works, it is also one of our most foundational games. This game touches on elements that have since become strong themes throughout all of our work. Whether you think you’re more into story. or prefer action or puzzles games, we have always had a place in our hearts for The Initiative.
---- iOS Archived ----
The People Who Inspire Us
- Founder -
- Game Dev Enthusiast -
- Program Manager -
Open Role
- Writer -
Open Role
- Producer -
Open Role
- Community Manager -